Alien Pizza Planet Becomes Permanent
As many suspected, Pizza Planet has officially replaced Pizza Port in Tomorrowland. Over the past several weeks you could see that the site was being refurbished. Over the past weekend it officially reopened with a few changes.
Change #1 – Beverage & Condiment Stations Move

The station where guests fill up their cup with a soft drink, tea, or water has been removed from the service area where guests get their food. It used to be in the center of that area, but has now been removed and moved beyond the cashiers against the far wall. Additionally, the condiment station which used to be directly behind the cashiers has been moved over near the new beverage station location.
We think this is a great move by Disneyland. It didn’t feel nearly as cramped yesterday when we ate lunch there. We were able to casually select our food, pay at the register, get a table, and then go get our drinks. The whole process didn’t feel frantic at all, like it often did before.
Change #2 – Tray Station Moved

Where guests retrieve the trays to put their food on has moved as well. You no longer have a station filled with trays right when you walk into Pizza Planet. It has been moved to where the beverage station used to be located. It takes up much less space than the beverage station did in the middle of the service area.
Change #3 – Exterior Gets a Facelift

The sign holder (have heard it called a swoosh and/or a fin) looks like it has placeholders for a permanent sign (which isn’t in place yet). The rocket was re-done in a red & and white combination with the Pizza Planet logo.
Watch our walkthrough video (below) to get a better idea of where everything is located now. All in all, it’s not a drastic makeover, but the few changes they made are positive.