Disneyland dropped an event guide for Star Wars Nite on their website and a portion of the event guide is devoted to the eats, treats, and drinks that will be available at Star Wars Nite! It’s possible that this list isn’t exhaustive, but it feels like it’s a pretty well rounded foodie guide. So far we only have photos and item names without descriptions.
Jolly Holiday

Refreshment Corner

Gibson Girl Ice Cream Parlor

Little Red Wagon

Plaza Inn

Castle Churro Cart

Royal Street Veranda

New Orleans Square Churro Cart

Harbour Galley

Hungry Bear

Critter Country Churro and Lemonade

Kat Saka’s Kettle

Ronto Roasters

Docking Bay 7 Food and Cargo

Oga’s Cantina

Frontierland Churro Cart

Fantasyland Churro Cart

Red Rose Taverne

Small World Churro Cart

Galactic Grill

Alien Pizza Planet

Tomorrowland Churro Cart

Tomorrowland Pretzel Cart