Food at Disneyland (about us)

Disneyland is a magical place. When I was a child, nothing evoked a higher sense of awe than walking down Main Street U.S.A with my parents as our day started. Every land felt as if you were being transported into a new fairy tale world. Walt’s Place was special then. It’s special now.

As a father, I now see that same sense of awe and wonder in my own children. The excitement though is not just limited to rides. They are just as excited about the pretzels and churros as they are about going for a spin on on their favorite rides. If I’m being honest, I often am more excited for the foods and drinks than I am for the rides. I am getting old.

In late May 2017 we (Chad & Nicole) decided to start an Instagram account called “Food at Disneyland” as a hobby to keep track of the different foods and drinks we tried at the Disneyland Resort. I had a sort of bucket list of different foods and drinks that I wanted to try. It was fun to check off items one by one.

We didn’t have very many people following our account at that time. In early August of the same year one of our photographs was shared by the biggest Disney account on Instagram. In one day we gained over 300 followers and all of a sudden a small hobby became a bigger hobby. Our formula was simple. Go to the Disneyland Resort (Disneyland, DCA, and Downtown Disney) and enjoy our day. When we ate meals, got treats, or drinks we would just snap a photograph of that particular item. We would post the picture (typically at a later time/date) with the name of the item, the price of the item, and a short opinion about the item.

I guess the formula, simple as it is, has worked. We are three years old on Instagram, and in that time our account has grown to more than 90,000 followers. Other accounts grew quicker and larger, while others didn’t grow at all and seem to have given up. We are like a stubborn mule that just keeps plugging away. One picture on most days.

This website exists with the hope that it can add to the experience that we also provide with our social media pages. We hope that it gives you ideas for how you can have the best eating and drinking experience when you visit the Disneyland Resort. In some small, our hope is that we can help you, your family, and/or your friends to have a magical experience as you eat and drink your way through Walt’s Place.

***The pandemic has had Disneyland shut down for over five months. The absence of our happiest place has only made our hearts grow fonder for it though. When Disneyland reopens it will be a joyous day for us and so many others.